My Hebrew Mentor

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My Personal Story

Shalom. I’m David Sparkowich, the founder and creator of Thank you for visiting my Landing Page. If you are like most people who come here, you probably have a desire to learn to read the Bible, in its original language. Perhaps you would describe yourself as a truth seeker, who enjoys studying the Bible and who is distinctly drawn toward understanding the Jewish roots of your faith. If I have described you accurately, know that you are NOT ALONE.
The typical seeker who frequents this website has had what I would call a smattering of Biblical Hebrew, just enough to be dangerous. Their sincere desire to learn this amazing language oftentimes is matched with feelings of being overwhelmed by the complexities of this Semitic Language. Why is it that approximately 98% of Biblical Hebrew Language students would say they are dis-satisfied with the fruit of their many hours of study? They have a thirst to learn more but are mystified as to how to actually get there.

Allow me to paint a clearer picture for you. Every new Hebrew student is first presented with a text, that is read backwards, from right to left; (the complete opposite of how English is read). Students are told they need to memorize an ancient consonantal alphabet, which is made up of 22 mysterious and unrecognizable shapes.

They are typically taught that there are only 7 vowels to memorize. What they may not have been told is: there are actually 17 different variations of these vowels, which must all be mastered to read with proficiency. Ever since the 5th century, the Masoretic vowel pointing system has been represented by a dizzying array of dashes and dots, which seem ordered in perplexing and somewhat counter-intuitive combinations.

If the student manages to learn their vowels (which most do not), they will eventually discover they must learn the recognize, the 30 different Masoretic accent markings of the sages, which govern such things AS: word stress, degrees of pauses, reading stops and even cantorial notes and tonality.

Truth be told, there are actually VERY few people, outside of Judaism, who end up EVER learning Biblical Hebrew at even an intermediate level. In order for you to reach proficiency using traditional methods, it typically takes between six to ten years of hard work and most often requires the student to obtain expensive and time consuming, advanced degrees. Ultimately . . . learning to read the Bible in ancient Hebrew is A LOT HARDER than you may think.

Let me share my own story with you. Back in 1992, I was a young college student who was beginning my first year of Biblical Hebrew, at a theological school in the Washington DC metro area. My class began in the fall with 23 students, who like me, were bright eyed, excited, and full of vision for what they would accomplish that year. And then . . . the suffering began! By the end of the first year, due to the difficulty level, there were only five students still in the class. By the end of the 2nd year, we were down to two, me being one of them!

Fortunately, this grueling experience was not the end game for me. It provoked me to begin searching for an easier path. I believed that learning tools could be designed, which would equip people with the necessary skills, positioning them for lifelong enjoyment of Biblical Hebrew.  My Hebrew quest has taken me to various regions of the country and has led me through synagogues, Jewish educational institutions, Christian colleges, and numerous online Hebrew learning programs as well. I can honestly say, this journey has been one of the most fascinating and rewarding experiences in my life; and I am still on this journey.

If you intend to succeed in learning Biblical Hebrew, and you would like to do it, in a fraction of the time required by most of the traditional methods, AND without breaking the bank . . . then you will MOST CERTAINLY NEED the help of a SKILLED HEBREW MENTOR AND GUIDE. Someone who is both a clear, proven communicator, who is also strong in the technical aspects of this complex language.

You may be fairly new to Hebrew, or perhaps you are someone who has tinkered around with Hebrew for years, but you now find yourself, exhausted and perplexed by the slow progress, DESPITE your best efforts. Maybe you’re in the Ministry, and you value learning Hebrew for its powerful ability to add substance to your Bible teachings and sermons. I have met some, former seminary graduates who remember studying Hebrew in graduate school, but due to the passing of time, their Hebrew skills became rusty and out of practice.

I have discovered that some of these people require my help, for only a short period of time. The valuable tips I have offered them, have helped them to reframe their Hebrew learning journey in a pivotal way. Others want and need a more consistent helping hand. They would like a teacher and friend to help them avoid the many pitfalls. Someone who will assist them in their journey, all the way to the summit. 

If you can personally identify with any of these real-life scenarios, I believe you have come to the right place. I would strongly encourage you, to click on the button at the top center of this page, which is called “Schedule Free Assessment” and register to meet me for a complimentary 15 min. zoom call, where I will offer you a professional assessment of where I believe you are at and what the recommended “best practices” are for you to take, in order for you to get on the road to achieving your Hebrew learning dreams. You should also scroll down to read the numerous 5-star reviews that I have received from some of my current and previous. These are all people just like you, who have benefitted from the unique method of learning I have taught them. They each went on to achieve maximum results with minimal frustration. This accelerated approach to Biblical Hebrew has enabled them to enjoy the journey, accomplish their objectives and have more time for the other important things in their life.

If you are wondering if this program will work for you, I would encourage you to click on the “5 Question Hebrew Self-Assessment”. After submitting your multiple choice 5 Question Hebrew Self-Review, you will be given the opportunity to auto schedule, a cost free, 15-minute zoom consultation with me. 

I would love to get the chance to meet you personally and hear firsthand about your own Hebrew language journey. You will have the time to share your ambitions and goals, and I will take the time to document any obstacles that have previously tripped you up. I am always eager, to create, hand tailored solutions, that will enable you to reach your personal Hebrew learning goals.

With, you have EVERY REASON; to be able to make SERIOUS PROGRESS in the next 60 to 90 days; in learning, what the sages have called, “L’Shon Ha Kodesh”, “the Holy Language.”

If you are worried about the affordability of this program. I have gone out of my way to make this program affordable for everyone. Mentoring packages start as high as $250 per month and go all the way down to the Yarash Light Digital Subscription for only $15 per month (For all of my mentoring and education packages, click here). I firmly believe if someone really feels called to learn Biblical Hebrew, lack of finances should not be a hinderance.

Thank you for reading my personal story. I look forward to connecting with you real soon. Shalom Friend!

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